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All the how-tos and information you could ever want!
Are we missing something that you think would be helpful: let us know! Email your suggested addition to committees@bonnyslopebsco.org.

Student Directory
The Student Directory comes out in Oct/Nov of each school year and the information is provided to the school via Public Records through the Beaverton School District. All families enrolled at Bonny Slope Elementary will have their information included UNLESS they have specifically requested the district not disclose it.
If you would like to request a change - either to remove some or all of your information, or to add yourself to the Student Directory that will only be visible to the school - please complete the Directory Change Request Form.
The Student Directory, when published, will be posted to the BSCO website and be password protected. Families are welcome to download a copy for personal use. Please do not share the Directory with anyone outside of Bonny Slope Elementary.
The password for the Student Directory will be distributed to families via ParentSquare.
Budget Revision Request form
What do you do if you run a committee and you need additional funds?
If it is a one-time overage, contact committees@bonnyslopebsco.org. You will need to include the name of your committee, how much you need over your budget, and what you will provide to the community in exchange for those funds. Your request will be brought to the BSCO board for approval. Depending on the amount requested, a community vote may be needed.
If you think your committee needs an over-all increase in budget for the activity/event, please complete the following form for board consideration.
The board sets the budget for each committee in the spring. We cannot guarantee funds availability at the time of request, or even for the following year.