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Committee Lead Support

General Support
for leads

people working together to sort papers, make crafts, answer calls on phones, smiling.jpg

You are a committee lead looking for volunteers

We can Help with that

Please read carefully before submitting a Volunteer Request.

To request volunteers for your committee or event, you will need to provide the following:

  • A description of your event that can be copied into ParentSquare for people to find you

  • The date(s) and time(s) of the event

  • Detailed information about what you need volunteers to do. If you have multiple jobs, please list them all

  • The number of people you need doing each job

Some activities planned by committees and some events require a SchoolDude reservation. Reservations are processed through the school district and can take 30 days for approval. Plan ahead!

This form cannot be used for classroom volunteers; teachers will enter their volunteer needs themselves. This form is for BSCO committees and events ONLY.

If you have questions, especially if you are unsure about SchoolDude reservations or have never requested volunteers before, please email

Formulari i Kërkesës Vullnetare të Prindërve Sheshi

Ky formular duhet të përdoret nga Drejtuesit e Komitetit, Drejtuesit e Ngjarjeve, Ekipet e PAWS dhe Mësuesit për të kërkuar shtimin e ndërrimeve vullnetare në ParentSquare.

Parashtresat duhet të jenë sa më të detajuara që të jetë e mundur. Informacioni jo i plotë do të rezultojë në vonesa në dërgimin e kërkesës suaj në komunitet.

Cili Komitet, Ngjarje ose Mësues ka nevojë për vullnetarë?
A përsëritet nevoja juaj për vullnetarë në një orar të rregullt?
Sa urgjente është kjo kërkesë?
Një javë larg ose më pak.
Rreth 2 javë.
3 javë larg ose më shumë.

Cila është mënyra më e mirë për t'ju kontaktuar nëse kemi pyetje?

Is there a SchoolDude reservation for your event already in the system?
No, I need help making the reservation.
I don't know; what's SchoolDude?

If you do not have a SchoolDude reservation already in the system, the Director of Committees will need to make that request and get approval before your request for volunteers can be fulfilled.

SchoolDude reservations usually require 30 days lead time for the district to approve.

Request Community Communication

Need to promote your activity, event, or committee? Help us help you get the word out through BSCO's newsletter, website, and social media!

Please fill out the request form with as much information as possible, with as much notice as possible.

We are happy to create graphics if you need, or give you access to the Canva account to create your own.

Feel free to reach out to with further questions.

Communication Request Form

Please be mindful of the following:

  • we want our newsletter and social media to be a helpful resource for parents

  • other committees/events have needs regarding promotion

  • and parent-volunteers are doing this work

We will do our best to create content in a timely manner but may need to adjust the timing of social media posts based on school events and/or administrative requests. Thanks in advance for being flexible and understanding!

Communication Type:
Do you already have a post designed?
Would you like to have a post created for you?
Do you need volunteers?
When does your post need to appear?

11775 Northwest McDaniel Road, Portland, OR, 97229, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

  • BSCO Instagram
  • BSCO Facebook
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