Welcome BSE Volunteers!
The volunteers at Bonny Slope, who contribute their time and talent, make a significant difference to our students. Whether a parent, grandparent, neighbor, or friend, when you volunteer at Bonny Slope you become part of the community.
No amount of time is ever too small – we need you!
Questions? Email our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@bonnyslopebsco.org

Good to Know
So, you've gotten your emailed approval to volunteer. What now?
1. Set up your account with RaptorTech by clicking on the link provided in your approval email. You'll need to click on the "Forgot Password" link to get started. Once you are logged in you can go to the "Preferences" tab to choose what information you want publicly available to other volunteers: email, phone number, both or neither.
If you are a community volunteer (you do not have students enrolled at Bonny Slope), make sure you complete the "Join Community Groups" form after you get your Raptor approval. This will give you access to all of the opportunities to volunteer at the school by adding you to the ParentSquare notifications.
2. Get involved! There are lots of ways to make a difference.
Join the P.A.W.S. Team and help teachers with classroom admin work - description below.
Join a committee and help support community enrichment and events.
Check out the Bobcat Volunteer Bulletin to find all of the volunteer opportunities at Bonny Slope.
Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey so we can contact you when opportunities are available in those areas.
3. Each time you arrive at the school to volunteer you will want to arrive early to give yourself enough time to get checked in at the front office. You'll need to:
Present a government-issued identification (ID) with photo and birth date. Examples include:
Driver’s license
State ID card
Consular ID card
The school staff will scan your ID and print an official name badge for you that day.
Wear your sticker badge at all times while in the school
REMINDER: Make sure you stop back by the front office at the end of your volunteer shift to sign out. You will need to scan your printed daily badge to do so.
If you do not have any of the above documents for ID, please contact the front office at (503) 356-2040.
Still have questions? Contact volunteers@bonnyslopebsco.org
How do I help?
You know you want to help out at the school but your aren't sure what there is to do or who to ask? No problem: we can help get you to the good stuff.
Take a moment and fill out the volunteer interest survey. Inside, you'll find all the various ways you can help support the school. And we can connect you to the opportunities at the school that speak to you.
All volunteer opportunities can be found in ParentSquare. Download the app or visit their website.

Multiple Volunteer Orientation sessions have been scheduled to accommodate as many people as possible. You need only attend one session. Come and learn more about participating at BSE.
Fall volunteer trainings are complete. You can watch the recorded Zoom call and review the slideshow below.