欢迎来到 2024-25 学年

即使只花一个小时的时间,您也可以改善 BSE 学生和教职员工的生活。
**2024-2025 学年将有新的志愿者系统/流程**

Committee Needs
Committee leads for the 2025-26 school year can sign up in ParentSquare starting March 31st.
Each committee is open to any community member interested in supporting these Events and Activities. See a committee you want to be part of and there are already people signed up? No problem; you can join too! Want to work with a buddy? Join as a pair or a group!
New to committee work but you want to get involved?
A Committees: 101 zoom call will be held on 4/25 at noon to answer questions and provide guidance.
Contact committees@bonnyslopebsco.org

委员会领导电话会议于 9 月 3 日星期二下午 1 点召开 - Zoom
志愿者培训电话会议于 9 月 9 日星期一中午 12 点举行 - Zoom
志愿者培训 9 月 10 日星期二晚上 7 点 - 现场在 BSE 餐厅进行
生产室培训 - 有待确定
艺术素养志愿者欢迎和培训 - 待定